Medicare Treatment From Your Home

Please Watch This Short Video Below To Learn More About How Dr. Rob’s Concierge Medicare Services Can Help You Get Moving Great Again!

1-on-1 Physical Therapy

If you are a Medicare beneficiary and sick of having to travel half an hour or more in Miami traffic to receive the strength, mobility and balance training that you need in order to function, then PhysioLogix has the answer: In home physical therapy.

This concierge service is typically provided to executives and VIPs in the South Florida region, but is now open for all Medicare Part B beneficiaries. The best part is that this service will cost you exactly the same as it would in a crowded clinic that also happens to take medicare.

This means you receive 1-on-1 physical therapy services directly from the comfort of your own home or fitness facility utilizing your Medicare benefit!

What PhysioLogix Can Do For You

Prevent Physical Decline:

The loss of function and ability as we age is a concept that can scare many of us. There are both physical and mechanical components associated with the aging process that can make playing with the grandkids, enjoying a dinner with your family, or attending a show nearby more difficult than it was just a few years ago.

With our mobile service, we will do everything in our power to slow the aging process and help you reclaim years of your life.

Home and Environmental Screen:

Upon beginning our physical therapy regiment, PhysioLogix will conduct a home and environmental screen. Your home is the place you spend most of your time throughout the day, so it makes sense that we address this space with a discerning eye.

Learning strategies to move around in your home, moving furniture or addressing barriers in the common areas and bathrooms of the home can help decrease the risk of future incidents and the need for aides in the home to do certain tasks for you.

Improve Functional Mobility:

The doctors at PhysioLogix will use the information gathered from our evaluation process to put together a plan of care intended to target your greatest dysfunction (whether that be issues with strength, balance, range of motion or post-surgical state) and get you back to feeling yourself again.

Foster Independence:

The most important part of a good physical therapy plan of care is the successful progression of the patient to a self-management routine in which they can take care of their own condition without the need for additional help around the home. In short, we are building the most valuable skill any patient can have: independence.

Conditions We Love to Treat:

  • Low back pain (See video below)

  • Knee replacement (TKA)

  • Balance and instability issues

  • Shoulder pain/replacement

  • General Weakness

  • Hip replacements (THR)

  • And any other condition your physician provides a prescription to physical therapy for!

Our Mission: A Back Pain-Free South Florida

See If We Take Your Insurance:
